Join Hide Tide

Coaching to help you feel equipped and ready to conquer anything that comes your way.

What if you had a space every week where you could…

  • Feel validated and understood for what life looks like right now

  • Get glimmers of hope for what is possible this year!

  • Stop plowing through life’s tasks, and design how you want to live

  • Yoke up with Jesus and let him lift the heavy burden off of your shoulders

  • Feel the compassion of Jesus melting away your stress and roadblocks

  • Feel the pride and accomplishment for growing into the person you were created to be

  • LAUGH, and feel lighthearted!

  • Become the energetic, disciplined version of you without pushing harder


Become Who You Were Called to Be

Women with long, brown hair drinking coffee and looking at her laptop.

High Tide is a membership-based, weekly group coaching program that acts as a landing pad and a launching pad. 

It's a safe place where you can drop in, feel supported and loved, and then go back into the world better equipped to live more fruitfully.

You'll receive deep coaching to help you feel safe, lighthearted, and equipped to take action in the coming week.

Between sessions, you’ll be applying what we’ve learned in real time and you’ll have a safe place to bring any questions or excitement you have from your week!

If these sound straight from Heaven…

  • You are looking for peace and greater fulfillment in life.

  • You need a space where you are seen and heard.

    You don't just get to take up space, this space was created for you to be seen and heard.

  • You don't have time to “work” on yourself.

    This is crucial. I know you do not have time to add another thing to your plate, but that’s not what this is. This is a redesign of your lists and tasks, so you can create a way to live with less stress and more peace! The truth is, in this modern world, we don’t have time to not design our lives.

  • You are looking for direction and purpose.
    You'll get clear on God's will for you in this season of your life and learn the skills you need to live it out.

  • You need someone to help you understand why you sometimes fail.
    We hold one another accountable compassionately, but I’m going to help you look deeper than your struggle. We’re going to find the underlying issue and help support you into success instead of burden you with another checklist.

  • You feel like you are unmotivated and undisciplined. 

    TRUTH bomb, friend. You are neither of those things. You just need direction and discernment. Once you find your purpose for the season, you will know what to focus on, and it will feel good doing it.

  • You can't seem to change or do what you want to do.

    Growth cannot be achieved in isolation or in a survival state. I’m going to bring you into community and help you release the stress of pushing and earning. From this place of peace and safety, you’re going to learning how to take action toward God’s will for your season.

  • You feel stressed and frazzled throughout the week.

    If you constantly feel the surface pressure building up in the background, you need a place to release and refocus; a place to where God’s Truth can shine so brightly on you that you feel confident and empowered again

…then you need High Tide in your life!

What You Get in High Tide:

Investment: $3,297 (payment plans available, of course)

  • Two, 1-on-1 coaching sessions to get you the insights you need to soar ($500 value)

  • Unlimited, weekly coaching sessions/gatherings over Zoom for 12 months. (40+ sessions!) Drop in for high-level support and growth, but don't stress when you can't make it, because I built in double the support knowing that you’re busy.

  • Live coaching to overcome your current struggles and trainings to build your skills. (Most programs review a curriculum but don’t help you apply it at all; not here!)

Hear from the High Tide Community…

  • “The group dynamic elevated everything - it was an opportunity to not only be vulnerable, but to also contribute authentically and to be able to receive authentically and fully. I was able to contribute in a complete way that I haven't had the opportunity to do in a long time - to give and to receive in a complete environment as a complete woman.”

    Kamaya M.

  • “I didn't realize how much I was holding in until I joined the group. I realized that I needed to shift strategies instead of working even harder. It's not easy, but I can see how hard I've been on myself, and how compassion actually lends itself to greater productivity and joy.”


  • “I am so much more hopeful even after 2 weeks of the High Tide. I can see exactly what steps I need to take to improve the frantic lifestyle I've been living.”


  • “Regan is amazing; whoever has the courage to go through real conversations will find that she is a wonderful trusted advisor.”

    Melanie O.


  • Group sessions take place every Wednesday throughout the year at 12:45 PM CST. You can join as many as you would like! We meet over Zoom. You’ll have a full 12 months of support!

    In case you need extra support on certain weeks, you can also schedule TWO private coaching sessions at your leisure.

  • For a one-year membership, the cost is $3,297. Payment plans available, of course! This includes weekly access to me, coaching, the community, and the training portal.

    The enemy wants you to feel isolated and alone in your life, but High Tide ensures that you are deeply connected and supported for an entire year of exponential growth.

    Training, deep connection, support and real friendship for the year - that's what this membership is all about!

  • Each week we start off by honoring our previous week. We also share any roadblocks we are experiencing. We hit on accountability and skill-building before we move into live coaching a few who need deeper coaching. We will also bring to light what we’ve learned in the Woman School course that week.

    The beautiful thing is that everyone learns through this. I will coach one or two people live through the roadblocks and help you to feel equipped to bring peace to your situation. All of us grow from studying each other, sharing our wisdom, and seeing each other breakthrough old patterns. Bring your struggles and joys and experience the breakthroughs!

  • This program is for women who don’t need convinced that you are loved and capable, but you need help breaking through old patterns of fear, stress, and putting everyone else before your God-given call.

    If you are looking for quicker results and a more personalized coaching experience, please check out my private coaching program, Made for More.

  • Christ teaches that He will prepare a banquet for us. Not because of our own merit or because we are good. But because He is good and He loves us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our worth comes from our Maker.

    Therefore, we should have a "Banquet Mentality." We should expect that Christ is preparing a banquet for us - he has called us to live a fruitful, fulfilling life. So we need to live like it! We help each other do this in High Tide.

  • If you are currently, or have been previously, a Made for More Coaching client, you will receive a deep discount on a High Tide membership

    High Tide is the perfect way to continue growing and living your purpose. You'll find continued support and encouragement from me and a community to rally behind you!

    (Many Made for More clients join High Tide after a few rounds of 1:1 coaching.)

  • Together, we’ll work on rebuilding your self-image and defining your dream for the season. Then, you’ll learn the skills you need to live out that dream, including how to create routines, how to hold yourself (and others) accountable, how to set and communicate boundaries, and SO MUCH MORE!

    Women who spend a year in High Tide comment that they are not taking a course, but they have become the course, transforming each area of their life with God’s direction.

    My clients and I see the most transformation when we combine formation with application.

Ready to yoke up with Jesus and let your burdens feel light?

Hi, I’m Regan Clement. I’m a life coach and the founder of The Rising Tide Fellowship, an online membership community focused on helping faith-filled women grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I help God-loving women become more disciplined and peaceful without pushing through and adding more to their plates.

If you have questions about High Tide, I am here for you!

Book a call with me to learn more about whether High Tide is where you want to be.

If you're looking for a private coaching experience, check out my Made for More Coaching program.

Live Like You Were Originally Designed.

Accountability + Formation + Application

This program combines group coaching and skill training to help you live your life joyfully. You’ll find meaningful friendships, adopt new mindsets, and learn the skills you need to have more peace in your life.

Join High Tide

Time to feel empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Apply NOW to save your spot!

© 2023